Email Recovery

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Delete outlook recovery

When using Outlook to manage Emails, it is believed that every user used to delete some Emails. There are two methods for deletion: soft deletion and hard deletion. Soft deletion is to move deleted Emails into “Trash” folder. Before “Trash” folder is emptied, we can recover deleted Emails at any time. Hard deletion is to delete Emails directly instead of moving them into “Trash” (when using Outlook, we can use Shift + Delete to realize hard deletion). Hard deletion is also suitable for remote server which is using IMAP. As to hard deletion, there is also a solution to deleted Outlook recovery. There is an Email recovery program in Outlook. If the time-length after an Email is deleted is still in the time range recognized by the Email recovery program, the deleted Emails can be recovered.

Of course the above is only about the situation where a single Email is deleted. Since Outlook is a local installation app, there is another situation that will make all Outlook mails lost. That is installation files of Outlook being deleted. At this time, Outlook can not run normally, so many mails will be lost. In the face of this situation, we need professional data recovery software to recover deleted Outlook files. Maybe many users are not acquainted with professional data recovery software, so we will show demonstration of recovering deleted Outlook files by using data recovery software.

Recovering deleted Outlook files

Before recovering deleted Outlook files, we need to visit to download and then install the professional data recovery software. Then launch it and we’ll see the following interface.

We can see this data recovery software is composed of five modules. We can select corresponding module according to practical data loss problems, improving data recovery efficiency. rent a car Since we are going to perform deleted Outlook recovery, please click “Undelete Recovery” module.

We can check partition states from the above interface. Select the partition where the deleted files were and click “Recover” to look for deleted files.

Then find and check the files we’ll recover and click “Save Files” to store them. It is reminded that if  Outlook files are lost, we need to transfer the recovered files to their original storage locations. Then Outlook can be used normally again.

Through so simple operations, we have recovered deleted Outlook files. You may think it miraculous as well. If you also want to get to know about the functions of the other modules, please visit other contents on this website.