Email Recovery

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Outlook express email recovery

Outlook express is called OE for short, a client tool developed by Microsoft for sending and receiving email. It is a Usenet client tool on the basis of NNTP. Outlook express doesn’t provide email box but is for more convenient and faster email management. As we all know that when we need to send email through a webmail, we need to visit the site and log in. However, with outlook express, we can directly send and receive email after launching the program. Before we use outlook express, we need to set account information, and then we can use it. The main content of settings is the webmail server and account name as well as password. Next, let me show you how to set outlook express account.

First, launch outlook express. We can input “msimn” in “Run” program of start menu.

1. Select “Tool” menu and click on “Account” option to open the “Internet account” interface.

2.  Click “Mail” tag.

3.  Click “Add” button and select “Mail” option in the pop-up menu to enter Internet connecting wizard.

4.  Input your “Display name”, which will be shown as sender name. Click “Next” button.

5.  Input email address and click “Next”.

6.  Input server names of receiving and sending email, and click “Next”.

7.  Input email account and password, and finish setting.

After setting, we can directly use outlook express to send and receive email instead of visiting webmail. Generally, all emails are saved to the directory of “C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\ {981A4518-6B1A-4F81-9BAC-B621FF1B2AD7}\Microsoft\Outlook Express” as default. We can check the files in this folder but we should be careful that the files in it are extremely important that once they are damaged or lost, outlook express cannot run normally. To recover lost email, we need a piece of professional data recovery software such as Email recovery software. Next, let me show you how to use Email recovery software to recover lost files in outlook express.

Outlook express email recovery

Before we perform outlook express email recovery, we need to download Email recovery software from and install it to computer. Then, we can launch it to start:

After launching Email recovery software, we will see main interface as the above picture shows. There are five different data recovery modules. At this time, we can select a suitable module according to specific situation. For example, to recover accidentally deleted file, select “Undelete Recovery” module. To recover lost file from formatted partition, select “Damaged Partition Recovery” module. After successful outlook express email recovery, we still need to save recovered files to the directory of “C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\{981A4518-6B1A-4F81-9BAC-B621FF1B2AD7}\Microsoft\Outlook Express” and then we can use outlook express normally.

After reading this, I think you have learnt how to use Email recovery software to perform outlook express email recovery now. If you are in trouble of email loss in outlook express, try Email recovery software!