Email Recovery

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Powerful Email recovery software

Since a large amount of inferior email recovery software appears along with professional email recovery software on the market, it becomes a difficult task for computer users to find a suitable one. Once computer users choose a piece of defective email recovery software due to carelessness, they may cause secondary damage to email data in computer hard disk, let alone recover lost emails. Therefore, in order to help users recover lost emails more safely and effectively on computer, we recommend a piece of professional email recovery software – MiniTool Power Data Recovery; it is equipped with so many functions that it can be used to deal with almost all common lost email recovery.

Hoping to finish lost email recovery with the help of professional email recovery software, users should operate according to the following process.
Firstly, users need to acquire a channel to get professional email recovery software for lost email recovery and this channel is to visit website: Secondly, download and install professional email recovery software – MiniTool Power Data Recovery on computer (tips: don’t install this software in the partition where lost emails were).
The operations to recover lost emails by using MiniTool Power Data Recovery are very simple.

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Running professional email recovery software, users will see its main interface shown as above. At this time, users will find five function modules which are designed for lost email recovery in different situations. Users only need to choose a corresponding module according to actual situation to recover lost emails. For example, if users want to recover accidentally deleted emails, they need to choose “Undelete Recovery” function module. After clicking it, users will enter the following interface:

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In this interface, users should select the partition where accidentally deleted emails were on the basis of actuality. Then, click “Recover” button to fully scan selected partition. At the end of scanning, users will see the following interface:

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All deleted data in selected partition will be listed out clearly by email recovery software in above operating interface. At this time, users need to find and check all deleted emails which need to be recovered according to their actual demands for lost email recovery. After that, click “Save Files” button in the left side of email recovery software to enter the following interface for email storage.

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In this operating interface, there are many things users need to pay high attention to: firstly, users should select a storage path for recovered emails by clicking “Browse” button in the right side (users need to make sure that there is enough space for storing recovered emails and the specified location mustn’t be the partition where deleted emails were). Secondly, users need to click “OK” button to finish this step. When all operations are finished by email recovery software, users have accomplished the whole process to recover lost emails which have been deleted by accident.